Focus On - Autumn & Winter Seasonal Confectionery
Sugar Confectionery at Halloween 4 Circana Halloween 2023 Review|Kantar 2 w/e 29th October 2023 5 Circana All Outlets / Total Confectionery / Halloween 22/23 (4 w/e 4th Nov) 6 Circana Total Sweets by Channel / Halloween 2022 = 4 weeks ending 05Nov22 / Halloween 2023 = 4 weeks ending 04Nov23 7 Circana Confectionery category, Value Sales 12wks to 24/12/23, Total Market Sales of sweets during Halloween are valued at £122 million across the entire market, showing a +17.5% year-on-year increase. Specifically for Symbols and Indies, Halloween sweets are valued at £28 million, which represents an +8.2% increase compared to the previous year. 6 Over the Halloween period, Sugar Multipacks outperformed the total sugar category, growing at 32.8% vs. 13.3%, as families prefer them for trick-or-treating and seasonal parties. Halloween-themed products also excelled, growing at 34.4% vs. 13.3% . 7 While trick-or-treating remains the top Halloween opportunity, retailers should also focus on parties and instant eats, where themed bags play a crucial role. 21.8% HFSS legislation greatly impacted Halloween in 2022 but less so in 2023. Grocery stores restricted non-compliant products in key areas, while convenience stores faced fewer restrictions and could better capture impulse purchases. 4 Halloween spending in the UK grew by +12.2% to £549m , up £60m from 2022 , with 99% of UK households buying into Halloween. This increase was mainly due to price inflation in sweets and chocolate, as packs per trip and purchase frequency remained flat year on year. 4 All Year Round Halloween 22 Value Share of Sugar and Chocolate CHOCOLATE SWEETS 73.1% 19.8% 20.8% 72.4% 71.6% Halloween 23 Page 4 @PlanforProfitRetail @Plan_for_Profit Halloween significantly boosts sales in the Sugar Confectionery category. Normally, sweets account for 19.8% of total confectionery sales annually. During Halloween 2023, this figure increased to 21.8%. 5
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