Focus On - Back To Education
Breakfast Cereals 1 Circana | Total Cereal | Value & Volume Sales | 5yr 4we 23 Mar 24 Retailers should dial up Cereal during Back to School Family Cereal plays a huge role, especially in Symbols and Indies Taste is Key Seasonality exists within cereal, with the annual peaks coming through the summer holidays and topping out during Back to School. In 2023, the 12 weeks to 9th September saw sales up +8.6% versus the rest of the year. 1 This is a key period for the category when retailers should increase activity and visibility for cereal brands. Creating cross-category Back to School events in-store, and partnering cereal with other essentials like bread, crisps, sandwich fillings, and yogurt can boost sales and help parents prepare for the new school year. The Symbols and Indies range primarily caters to family shoppers, with less emphasis on functional health, muesli, and porridge. Ensure you stock a diverse selection of Everyday Family cereals (e.g. Corn Flakes, Weetabix) and Family Flavoured cereals (e.g. Frosties, Coco Pops). Not only is taste the no.1 driver of choice within the cereal category, for children’s breakfast taste is even more important. Ultimately, parents buy what their children will eat, making taste the top priority. If a cereal doesn’t taste good, children are likely to reject it, even if it has key benefits like nutrition, and natural ingredients. Page 4 @PlanforProfitRetail @Plan_for_Profit
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