Focus On - Breakfast Cereals
Key Market trends Page 2 3 Kantar Market Trends, Mar 24 Dear Retailer, The ‘Focus On’ guides by Plan for Profit are specifically designed for the independent retailer. Each guide contains expert product and category insight to help you make the most of opportunities in store and meet the needs of your customers. This edition focuses on Cereal, an important category for the Symbols and Independents channel, with sales nearing £55m. Despite its size, the category is performing behind the total market. The goal is to shift shopper behaviour from distress purchases to planned ones. This guide will outline opportunities to boost your store's sales by addressing category performance, seasonal trends, effective merchandising, planograms, and recommending the must stock lines. All copies of the Focus On Guides are available to review on the Plan for Profit website and app. Visit or search ‘Plan for Profit’ in your preferred app store. King regards, Mark Langohr Category Controller, Plan for Profit Dedicated to the Independent Retailer View Focus On guides here: @PlanforProfitRetail @Plan_for_Profit Impulse Scan to visit our website to download for FREE NE 2024 Category Guide Available NOW! 11 )ROORZ XV on X & )DFHERRN &(/(%5$7,216 Selection 300g '$,5< 0,/. )UXLW 1XW 303 J 7(55<·6 &KRFRODWH 2UDQJH J )(55(52 52&+(5 Pralines 200g '$,5< 0,/. &KRFRODWH 303 J 0$/7(6(56 %R[ 110g &$'%85< 0LON 7UD\ J '$,5< 0,/. &KRSSHG 1XW 303 J &$'%85< Heroes J $)7(5 (,*+7 'DUN 0LQW 300g '$,5< 0,/. &DUDPHO 303 120g /,1'7 /LQGRU 7UXIÁHV 200g 1(67/( 'DLU\ %R[ J &$'%85< &DUDPLON 303 J '$,5< 0,/. 2UHR 303 120g Bestseller +)66 &RPSOLDQW &21)(&7,21(5< *,)76 $1' %/2&.6 &25( 5$1*( 1(: 72 &25( 1(: 72 &25( 16 'RZQORDG the Plan for 3URÀW DSS &$'%85< %RRVW 303 J &$'%85< 'RXEOH 'HFNHU 303 J &$'%85< 6WDUEDU 303 J WISPA %DU 303 J WISPA *ROG 303 J &$'%85< )ODNH 32g &$'%85< 7ZLUO 303 J &$'%85< 7ZLUO 2UDQJH 303 J '$,5< 0,/. &KRFRODWH 303 J '$,5< 0,/. :KROH 1XW J '$,5< 0,/. &DUDPHO 303 J AERO 3HSSHUPLQW 303 J 081&+,(6 &KRFRODWH J &$'%85< &UXQFKLH 303 J .,7 .$7 &KXQN\ 3HDQXW %XWWHU 303 J Bestseller +)66 &RPSOLDQW &21)(&7,21(5< 6,1*/(6 &25( 5$1*( Generate more sales and profit from your selling space Convenience fixture plans built on category insight and best sellers Impulse Category Guide 2024 All available on the website & app Even with inflation at its lowest since February 2022, 23% of shoppers still say they’re 'struggling'. Additionally, in March 2024, spending on promotions increased by £605 million compared to March 2023. 3 Shoppers are looking to promotions to manage their spend, so retailers should have strong promotional strategies in place. Additionally, stocking Price Marked Packs and maintaining clear pricing can unlock aisle avoidance and reduce the likelihood of shoppers switching channels. Shoppers still feeling the squeeze What does this mean for Breakfast Cereal?
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