Focus On - Crisps, Snacks & Nuts Sharing
Page 7 @PlanforProfitRetail @Plan_for_Profit download now for bigger profits Scan here to download our easy retailer guide to Thrive Why Bagged Snacks matter and how to stock the optimum range Don't Miss Out! 25 to Thrive is an optimised , relevant & easy to action core range recommendation for today’s shopper needs Worth over £ 4 billion RSV ** *Kantar Worldpanel 12 w/e 15.07.2023, **NielsenIQ, EPOS 52 w/e 15.07.2023, †NielsenIQ read of Independents 15.07.2023 Bagged Snacks are the No.1 Fastest Growing Impulse Category * 5 key principles of the 25 to Thrive range 1 Stock the Best Sellers 2 Focus on PMP to simplify and show value 3 Stock the Brands that shoppers know, love and trust 4 Stock a Range of Prices for every pocket 5 Provide a Wide Range for your shoppers' needs Bag your share of growth with our category wide range recommendation TOP 50 sku's (out of 500) represent 60% of sales †
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