Focus On - Dairy Drinks

Dear Retailer, The ‘Focus On’ guides by Plan for Profit are specifically designed for the independent retailer. Each guide contains expert product and category insight to help you make the most of opportunities in store and meet the needs of your customers. Worth £807m, dairy drinks have seen a rise in popularity as consumers seek convenient, enjoyable ways to add more protein and calcium to their diets. While not the largest segment in soft drinks, dairy drinks target a specific niche and are key to driving food-to-go sales. This issue explores opportunities in dairy drinks, featuring top product recommendations. We also highlight market performance and in-store strategies to drive sales. All copies of the Focus On Guides are available to review on the Plan for Profit website and app. Visit or search ‘Plan for Profit’ in your preferred app store. The buying group for independent wholesalers Kind Regards, Mark Langohr Category Controller Page 2 @PlanforProfitRetail @Plan_for_Profit The dairy drinks market is experiencing strong growth, currently valued at £807 million with value sales increasing by 11.5% over the past 52 weeks. Grocery and Symbol retailers are leading this growth in both units and value. (1) Total Market Performance View Focus On guides here: TOTAL MARKET DAIRY DRINKS 52W: £807m +11.5% 33 Source: Nielsen Discovery Data to 05/10/2024 FUNCTIONAL £191.7m +33.0% 23.7% Share of Category Value COFFEE £319m +5.1% 39.5% Share of Category Value TRADITIONAL £245.4m +7.1% 30.4% Share of Category Value PREMIUM £51.5m +24.5% 6.4% Share of Category Value Source: 1 Nielsen Discovery Data to 05/10/2024 TOT L MARKET DAI Y DRINKS 52W: £807m +11.5% 33 S urce: Nielsen Discovery Data to 05/10/2024 FUNCTIONAL £191.7m +33.0% 23.7% Share of Category Value COFFEE £319m +5.1% 39.5% Share of Category Value TRADITIONAL £245.4m +7.1% 30.4% Share of Category Value PREMIUM £51.5m +24.5% 6.4% Share of Category Value