Focus On - Flavoured Milk

*IRI Infoscan, Total Market, Volume Sales, Flavoured Milk, 52 w/e 17 Jun,23 Focus On Flavoured Milk The total flavoured milk category is now worth £593m, with sales growing by 15%. 1 1 IRI 52 w/e 13 May 23, Flavoured Milk Value Sales Coffee and chocolate are the leading category flavours. Combined, they are worth £341m and are growing by 13% year on year. 2 2 6IRI 52 w/e 13 May 23, Flavoured Milk Value Sales Food to go missions are increasing, accounting for 14.7% of trips, creating a great opportunity for Flavoured Milk 3 3 Total Convenience Tracking Programme data, 12 WE 05/03/2023 Change vs 12WE 06/03/2022 – Lumina Intelligence @Plan_for_Profit @PlanforProfitRetail