Focus On - Gum & Mints
What to stock Page 7 @PlanforProfitRetail @Plan_for_Profit No range is complete without Extra. Not only is it the 3rd largest confectionery brand, it is the number-one gum brand. 13 Single impulse sticks should make up the bulk of your range, with higher priced bottles on the top shelf. Mentos Pure Fresh Fruit Gum Bottles have grown +35% in the past year, 14 with Perfetti Van Melle’s broader mints sweets offering outperforming the market with 17% growth . 15 This makes them a key contender for your shelf space. 13 Nielsen Total Independents MAT 15/4/23. 14 Circana | IRi All Outlets | Value Sales | L52w | w/e 13-May-23. 15 Circana | IRi All Outlets | Value Sales | L52w | w/e 13-May-23. 16 Nielsen IQ 52 weeks MAT end 22 April 2023. 17 Circiana, single mints MAT data to 20 May 2023 all outlets. 18 Nielsen IQ, discounters, indies, CTNs & Symbols, value sales, MAT 08/10/22. 19 2012, US , Checkout Update – Impulse Marketing. 20 Ipsos Shopper Retail Insight 2015. 21 Global MMH Traditional Trade / Transaction Zone. 22 Perfect Store Location impact study, May 2021. What’s the opportunity? Gum is the most profitable product per square metre that a retailer can stock –after cigarettes. 19 Frequently bought on impulse, retailers must make sure they are unmissable at the counter to fully capitalise on the potential of the category. Gum is in fact the most impulsive category, with 40% of purchases driven by seeing it in store. 20 Moving gum from below the counter to above is proven to drive a 20% increase in sales. 21 Conversion multiplies by 3.5 when gum is sited in multiple locations. 22 Consider positioning gum next to coffee, bakery, and chilled food to go to encourage those extra buys. Retailers can drive their sales even further with a stand from Extra, proven to give an additional 46% PoR based on average rate of sale in independents. 23 By stocking well-loved brands in highly noticeable locations, retailers will drive category sales and profits. Trebor is the number-one brand in mints 16 and Polo is the number- one sugar- free mint. 17
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