Focus On - Hot Beverages
Don’t miss out on sales of the NATION’S FAVOURITE COFFEE PODS * £3.99 RRP *Circana all outlets & KWP discounters volume share of Nescafe Dolce Gusto, total portioned, 52 w/e 15 Jun 24 Focus On Hot Beverages Coffee Growth Driven by 9% Increase in Specialty Coffee and 16% Rise in Premium Coffee 1 Black Tea Dominates with 80% of Tea Sales 1 Specialty Tea Bags Drive Growth with a +22% Increase 1 @Plan_for_Profit @PlanforProfitRetail 1 SmartView Convenience 52 WK MAT 17/07/2024 1 SmartView Convenience 52 WK MAT 17/07/2024 1 SmartView Convenience 52 WK MAT 17/07/2024
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