Focus On - Household & Laundry
Focus On Household & Laundry Household and Laundry in Independents Hits £128.4m with 7.5% Growth. 1 Non-Bio Detergents Capture 44% of Laundry Sales with 21% Growth. 1 Multipurpose Wipes and Cleaners Dominate Household Cleaning Sales with 64% Share 1 1 Nielsen – GB Total Impulse - Value Sales - MAT: 25.05.2024 1 Nielsen – GB Total Impulse - Value Sales - MAT: 25.05.2024 1 Nielsen – GB Total Impulse - Value Sales - MAT: 25.05.2024 The No.1 Laundry Detergent Brand * Source: *Nielsen - Fabric Clean - GB Total Coverage inc. Discounters - Value Sales - MAT: 24.02.2024 The No.1 Liquid Brand * OUTSTANDING STAIN REMOVAL in quick & cold washes Effective in quick & cold washes Recyclable bottle 08-27_Persil_Unitas_P16_Household_Promotional_Advert_A4.pdf 1 27/08/2024 4:37 PM @Plan_for_Profit @PlanforProfitRetail
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