Focus On - Ice Cream
Page 4 Category Insights and Performance Ice Cream sales rose by 7% compared to last year. While hand-held singles were affected by a poor summer, chocolate singles continued to grow. Hand-held multipacks, especially the chocolate variety, experienced accelerated growth. Tubs of ice cream also saw an increase, with luxury options leading the market. 4 Take Home Ice cream is the largest category within frozen foods, playing a crucial role in driving overall frozen sales. It represents 18% of total frozen sales. 5 These are the bestselling lines which shoppers expect to see in a convenience store. Stocking these items means you’re meeting your customers’ needs, increasing the likelihood of them returning to your store. 4 Nielsen GB Total Impulse: MAT to 16.09.23. 5 Kantar Data Take Home Ice Cream 52wk 11/06/23. 6 Kantar Data Take Home Ice Cream 52wk 11/06/23 Nielsen GB Total Coverage (Excl Discounters), 26 weeks to 16.09.23. • Where possible, ensure your Ice Cream fridge is visible and easy to locate in line with HFSS guidance. • Ensure you have your full summer range available as early as possible to capitalise on those early season sales. • Don’t forget to stock a reduced winter range. Bestsellers Handheld Singles 6 Take Home Ice Cream 4 Rank Product 1 Magnum Classic 2 Magnum White Chocolate 3 Walls Calippo Orange 4 Magnum Double Gold Caramel Billionaire 5 Solero Exotic Fruits Rank Product 1 Magnum Classic 4 pack 2 Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough 3 Magnum White Chocolate 4 pack 4 Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie 5 Fruit Pastilles Lollies 4 Pack TOP TIPS 18% 13% 13% 10% 8% Take Home Ice Cream Frozen Fish Frozen Potato Products Frozen Ready Meals Frozen Pizzas All Ice Cream £190m (+7%) Handheld Multi Packs £36m (+23%) Handheld Singles £97m (0%) Ice Cream Tubs £57m (+12%) Chocolate £17m (+33%) Chocolate £56m (+3%) Luxury £38m (+14%) @PlanforProfitRetail @Plan_for_Profit