Focus On - Low and No Alcohol

How Drinkers are Moderating Teetotalism is on the rise , with the percentage of adults avoiding alcohol steadily increasing over the past five years. In the 12 months ending on January 31, 2024, the top reason for avoiding alcohol was religious or spiritual beliefs, cited by 17.1% of people, a +32.6% increase from the previous year. 1 The most significant variation in moderation is related to age , with younger customers more likely to moderate their drinking and older drinkers less likely to do so. Additionally, moderation methods vary by age, demonstrating that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to moderation. 1 Page 3 @PlanforProfitRetail @Plan_for_Profit Drinkers % | Share of adults who abstain 18 12.6 13.6 13.9 14.9 15.5 16.8 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 12me 31/01/2019 12me 31/01/2020 12me 31/01/2021 12me 31/01/2022 12me 31/01/2023 12me 31/01/2024 Adults claimed to have abstained in the last year Adults compared to January 2019 8.3m +2.1m Drinkers % | Methods of moderation by Age Cohort Older drinkers more likely to cut back on occasions and/or serves While younger moderators will look for alcohol substitutes Drinking on fewer occasions Having fewer drinks when drinking Having smaller serve sizes Drinks with lower alcohol Drinking soft drinks Drinking non-alc beer/wine 25 20 15 10 5 0 18-24 25-34 35-49 50-64 65-74 75+ Market Overview (Continued)