Focus On - Soft Drinks by Occasion 2025
500ml Still 500ml Sparkling 750ml Still Sports Cap 1.5 Still 1.5 Sparkling ' .1
* * 12/
500ml 750ml
10 * * 12/
.1 * * 12/
/15 6 24 Focus On Soft Drinks by Occasion 2025 Over the past year, energy drinks accounted for 76% of the total growth within the soft drinks category. 1 The Water category in Symbols and Indies is valued at £223 million and is driving growth, experiencing a 13% increase in value sales. 2 September is the second-largest month for soft drink sales, contributing 11% to the total annual sales. 3 @Plan_for_Profit @PlanforProfitRetail 1 Circana GB Symbols & Indies and NI Convenience 52we to 31/08/24 2 Nielsen Symbols & Independents 52 wks 10.8.24 3 Nielsen IQ, Total Soft Drinks; Total Impulse; 12 months ending 30.12.23
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