Impulse Category Guide 2024

4 Impulse Market Overview (1) SmartView Convenience in partnership with TWC. Volume and Value sales, 52W 31st December 23 (2) TWC 150 Store EPOS Data, Feb 2024 (3) SmartView Convenience in partnership with TWC. 52 w/e 31st Dec 2023 (4) Lumina Intelligence, data collected 12WE 16/10/2022 and 12WE 15/10/2023 Soft Drinks, Crisps, Snacks & Nuts, and Confectionery are key categories in Convenience. They deliver high value and have been standout performers in the Independents Channel, over performing in both sales value and volume over the past year. (1) # 1 £1 £5 out of every spent £ Impulse categories represent roughly 52% of volume sales in Symbol and Independent stores, occupying around 30% of store space. Stocking the best sellers and offering a credible range is essential! (2) Impulse categories are essential for Independent Retailers, as they account for a large portion of sales and profits. 1 out of every 2 products sold is an Impulse purchase, contributing £1 out of every £5 spent. (3) Soft Drinks is the star performer and holds the largest share of the Impulse categories. 1 in 2 Impulse products purchased is a Soft Drink. (3) The primary reason shoppers buy products at convenience stores is for indulgence. Despite the challenges of rising living costs, shoppers are choosing budget-friendly treats to treat themselves during the current financial difficulties. (4)